"You've Changed..."

I absolutely love this! ❤
Sometimes people will use “You’ve changed” as an insult. The truth is change actually requires tremendous courage 👏🏽👏🏽. It requires you to step out of your comfort zone to bridge the gap between what is and what can be. Don’t let what others think dictate how far you fly. Don’t limit your personal growth to make others feel comfortable. No one benefits from you playing small. You see, you and I are, we’re meant to continuously grow and evolve and transform! 🦋
The question is not who you are but rather the question is who are you becoming? What is it that you want in life and who do you need to evolve into in order to manifest those things in your life? If you aren't changing, if you aren't evolving that is actually a red flag. That means you're not setting goals. That means you don't have a clear sense of direction and purpose. In fact your goal should be to improve just a little bit more than who you were yesterday. People that are constantly growing and evolving are meeting different people, engaging in different activities. Their minds are growing. If you're still in the same routines, habits, and circles as you were 10 years ago, that is a clear indicator that you need to step outside of your comfort zone, outside of your cocoon and grow some wings so you can fly.
Set boundaries. Practice self-care and self-compassion. Have adventures. Live your best life. Smile 😊
How are you growing? 👇🏽
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